Germany – 1965 Vicky Eckert has a degree in Visual Communication (FH Darmstadt, Germany). She has been living and working as a freelance Graphic Designer in Colombia, Spain, Switzerland and Germany. Vicky has broad experience in designing for environment issues such as education campaigns for companies, municipalities and the catalonian government. Presently she creates, designs, illustrates and produces thematic board games related to ecology and culture, as well as graphic communication for international clients with her brand FlaflafDesign, that she set up in 1996 in Barcelona.
portfolio Vicky Eckert
Efrén Zúñiga
Illustration & Photography
Tuluá, Colombia – 1969 Efrén Zúñiga graduated with honours in Graphic Design from the Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes in Cali, Colombia, where he later worked as a teacher. He then studied at the Escola Massana in Barcelona, while teaming up with Vicky Eckert in 1997 to create Flaflaf. He specializes on realistic hand drawing.
portfolio Efrén Zúñiga
Vicky and Efrén are, together with Anna Freixas the authors of “Growing Graphics”, design for kids and “Green Graphics”, graphic comunication for sustainability, both books published by IndexBook.
About 70 works of Flaflaf have been showcased in 25 specialized books and publications since 1998.
Abacus Cooperativa / Actua / Agència Catalana de l’Aigua / Agència Catalana del Consum / Agència Catalana de Residus / Ajuntament de Barcelona / Ajuntaments de: Caldes d’Estrac, Caldes de Malavella, Castell de Mur, L’Hospitalet, Ripollet, Sant Cugat, Sant Pol de Mar / Associació cultural La Xambonera / Associació Mar i Natura / Badebaño / Bauer und Guse / bbArquitec / Caixa de Catalunya / Cliensol Energy / Club Nàutic d’Arenys de Mar / Corporate Bogotà / Diputació de Barcelona / Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya / Elaborados Dietéticos / Elequip Agentes Marítimos / Erbapharm Laboratories / Escola d’Esquí Baqueira-Beret / Fedaia / Fundación FC Barcelona / Generalitat de Catalunya / Gestoría Hestia / Grupo 4Laut / Hotel Kalima Caldes / Index Book / Kinderjugendtheater Wädenswil / Lavola Sustainability Services / Lichtenbergnnetz / Magma Cultura / McCann Erickson Colombia / Mogambo Difusión / Parcs i Jardins / Perfils 2009 / Roca / Sindicart / SPRBUN Port of Buenaventura / Solar Maresme / Stadtwerke Schwäbisch Hall / Tallers Cruz / Tamata Logística / Think White / Young&Rubicam Colombia…